Kösmak machine is making fiber optic cable blowing machine designes with the users of fiber optic cable blowing machine. The users are the better guys to take idea while you are making fiber optic cable blowing machine. The little ideas comes which from this guys makes the design of fiber optic cable blowing machine better than others.
Air is very importand on fiber optic cable blowing work because air is decreasing and increasing friction between duct and fiber optic cable. If the friction is too much between duct and fiber optic cable you can not make fiber optic cable blowing so what happens while blowing fiber optic cable in duct , fiber optic cable damages or breaks in duct.
There are lot’s of different types and models of compressors so how you can choose a compressor. You need to have a compressor which gives most suitable air for your duct. Duct diameter is importand on choosing compressor because you are giving compressed air in duct while blowing fiber optic cable.
There are two points on the compressed air one of them is air pressure and the other one is air flow. The bar of the air must be 12 bar at all ducts but the air flow can change as your duct diameters. If the duct diameter is getting bigger you need more air flow to blow fiber optic cable in the duct .If the duct diameter is smaller you need less air flow to blow fiber optic cable in duct because you are giving air in the duct to decrease friction between duct and fiber optic cable during fiber optic cable blowing .
For example if you blow fiber optic cable in diameter 40 mm duct, you need 10 -12 meter cup/minute air flow at 12 bar. If you blow fiber optic cable in 14 mm duct you need 1,5-3 meter cup/minute air flow. This accurs because you need to fill the duct with air to slide fiber optic cable in duct during you are blowing fiber optic cable. You can blow fiber optic cable to the duct which’s diameter is maximum 50mm.if the duct is bigger than 50 mm you can not blow fiber optic cable in duct because can not fill the duct with enough air so fiber optic cable breaks during fiber optic cable blowing. If you want to fill it you need to have a very big compressor to blow fiber optic cable so this will be very expensive and very hard to transport compressor.
There is another point on fiber optic cable blowing is choosing duct and fiber optic cable diameter appropriatively to each other. If the inside diameter of the duct is to less you can not blow fiber optic cable inside the duct because friction between duct and fiber optic cable increases too much. Duct inner diameter and fiber optic cable diameter mut be harmonious each other if the fiber optic cable cable diameter is too less than fiber optic cable can be folded and break inside the duct during fiber optic cable blowing.
Before fiber optic cable blowing you need to check the ducts clogged or not. You can make this checking by using a pipe or a ball. Put the object inside the duct and give air if the object is coming out at the other side your pipe is not clogged İf it can not come out your pipe is clogged so you can not blow fiber optic cable inside the duct. You need to find the place where is clogged. You need use some tools in this positions after finding the place where is clogged you need to digg the soil take out pipe to repair it.
After repairing duct then engage pipes each other. When you will be sure that the duct is okey you can blow fiber optic cable inside the duct. But there is also one point in some areas duct can be layed as the shape of ‘s’ it means that for eample 30cm and 50 cm far from the ground,in that cases fiber can touch on too much places with duct while fiber optic cable blowing so that this can be harmful for fiber optic cable,in this situation your fiber optic cable blowing work can grum up.